The prequel to 2015’s Mad Max: Fury Highway is coming to cinemas on Could 24, 2024, starring Anya Taylor-Pleasure and Chris Hemsworth, titled Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga.

Warner Bros. has simply launched the primary trailer to the movie and as with earlier iterations of the enduring franchise, it has been directed by George Miller. Taylor-Pleasure, finest recognized for her function in The Queen’s Gambit, will play the important thing determine of a younger Furiosa who had been performed by Charlize Theron in Fury Highway. Becoming a member of Taylor-Pleasure and Hemsworth within the new movie are Tom Burke, Nathan Jones, Angus Sampson and Quaden Bayles.

The dystopian movie will observe the story of Furiosa who was “snatched from the Inexperienced Place of Many Moms and into the palms of a Biker Horde led by the Warlord Dementus.” Muck like Fury Highway, in addition to the unique Mad Max movies, the trailer reveals that this new one may have loads of wild, out-of-this-world automobiles and is sure to be a thrill to look at on the massive display.

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“Miller now turns the web page once more with an all-new authentic, standalone motion journey that may reveal the origins of the powerhouse character from the a number of Oscar-winning world smash “Mad Max: Fury Highway,” Warner Bros described in an announcement.

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Curiously, The Hollywood Reporter notes that the movie centered on Furiosa was conceived earlier than Fury Highway was made however delayed resulting from a authorized struggle between George Miller and Warner Bros. over earnings of Fury Highway.

Miller had initially supposed for Charlize Theron to retain her function as Furiosa through the use of CGI strategies to make her look youthful however in 2020, stated the expertise was not but there to make it look real looking. Theron later admitted it was “somewhat heartbreaking” she wouldn’t be returning to play Furiosa.

Pictures Warner Bros. Photos