Whether or not you name them velocity bumps or velocity humps, we are able to all agree that they are often an annoyance. However in lots of areas, they’re a essential measure to decelerate site visitors and reduce dashing. Nevertheless, inserting two of them in tandem? Properly, that appears weird, to say the least.

The ’11 Foot 8’ bridge would be the most notorious viral highway impediment lately, however a YouTube channel, dubbed Velocity Bump Olympics, would possibly give that well-known bridge a run for its cash.

For almost a yr now, the proprietor of the channel has been sharing movies of automobiles dashing throughout two velocity bumps positioned immediately in entrance of their home. We do not know why somebody thought it might be a good suggestion to put two massive velocity bumps so shut collectively. Nevertheless, it does make for some very fascinating footage.

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Since our authentic story, the Velocity Bump Olympics channel has added a slew of latest movies that includes recent cases of velocity bump fails. In a single video, a driver makes an attempt to launch their automobile over the 2 velocity bumps, solely to land with a heavy thud and scrape. In one other, a motorbike rider appears to have some enjoyable going over the humps.

Many drivers method the primary velocity bump with far an excessive amount of velocity, probably pondering that they’ll recover from it with out slowing down. They’re then confronted with the second velocity bump that sends a lot of them bouncing into the air. All types of drivers and automobiles could be seen getting caught out by the velocity bumps, together with a police officer driving a Ford Explorer who you’ll suppose would concentrate on the twin velocity bumps in the event that they often patrol the world.

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The vehicles endure every kind of injury. Some scratch their undertrays alongside the velocity bumps, sending sparks flying into the air. Others bounce up and down, inflicting injury to their entrance and rear bumpers. Remarkably, the person behind the YouTube channel says he has lived reverse the velocity bumps for 11 years and that they’ve by no means truly seen a crash brought on by them.

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Whereas some would possibly discover the footage amusing, it does elevate a severe query in regards to the design of highway obstacles. Though they might be essential, poorly designed bumps could cause severe injury to automobiles and, in some circumstances, accidents. The Velocity Bump Olympics channel could also be entertaining, however it additionally highlights the necessity for extra considerate and efficient highway design.

The thought of inserting two velocity bumps so shut collectively shouldn’t be a brand new one. There are numerous examples of poorly designed velocity bumps that trigger extra hurt than good. Velocity bumps which are too steep, too excessive, or too shut collectively could cause main injury to automobiles. They will additionally pose a hazard to pedestrians and cyclists, who might lose management on the uneven floor.

What Do Authorities Say?

In line with the Federal Freeway Administration, velocity humps ought to be not more than 3-4 inches excessive however velocity bumps could be as a lot as 6-inches in top. If positioned too shut collectively, they’ll create a washboard impact that may be damaging to automobiles and uncomfortable for passengers.

Many municipalities have put in velocity bumps as a option to decelerate site visitors in residential areas. Whereas they might be efficient at lowering speeds, they’ll additionally trigger noise air pollution and inconvenience to residents. Some have even complained that they create a security hazard, as drivers might swerve to keep away from them, probably inflicting an accident.

The Velocity Bump Olympics channel might appear to be a lighthearted option to poke enjoyable at poorly designed highway obstacles, however it additionally serves as a reminder of the significance of efficient highway design. Through the use of the precise supplies, spacing, and top, municipalities can create highway obstacles that decelerate site visitors with out inflicting injury or inconvenience to drivers.